Setting Up L2TP/IPSec VPN Print

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Configuring L2TP/IPSec on iOS

1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
2. Tap on "Add VPN Configuration"
3. Tap on Type and select L2TP
Enter in a description name
5. Enter a L2TP server address.  A list of our L2TP/IPSec servers can be found HERE
6. Type in your vpn username (not your email) in the Account field and password in Password
7. In the Secret field enter in celol2tp
Make sure "Send All Traffic" is enabled
iOS l2tp ipsec vpn configuration
9. Tape Done once finished
To connect your phone to the VPN, simply tap on the slider on the right hand side

iOS vpn connect button

- Once you have setup the above. To toggle the connection ON/OFF, go into Settings and tap on the slider next to VPN
iOS vpn connect

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