Ubuntu - Obfuscated SSH Tunnel Port Forward Print

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How to Setup Obfuscated SSH Tunnel Port Forwarding in Ubutnu

NOTE: Before doing the below, an account needs to be created for you on the SSH servers.  Please log a support ticket specifying what server you would like to get your account created on.

Open up terminal
Copy and paste in the below commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zinglau/obfuscated-openssh
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

3. To verify your ssh client has been updated with obfuscation, type ssh -V.  You should see something like below
ssh client version

4. Type in the below command.  Be sure to add your VPN username (not your email) and the obfuscated password (this will be given to you)

sudo ssh –D 999 vpn_username@ssh_server -p 999 -Z obfuscated_password

Once connected open up the application you would like to setup with port forwarding.  Below is an example in Firefox which will forward all browsing traffic on 999 via the server you connected to.

SSH Tunnel FireFox Proxy Setup

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